Protocols for intimate content

Intimacy Practitioners South Africa, in collaboration with industry organisations, released standards and protocols to provide a framework for working with intimacy on set as well as in post-production.

The objectives of the protocols are to:

• Help take away any shame or embarrassment involved in writing, performing, shooting or editing intimate scenes.

• Provide an open and safe channel of communication for the Performer and Production Team, in the context of the intimate scenes.

• Establish the Performer’s freely given and specific personal consent boundaries and consent containers.

• Provide an important safety net for Performers and Crew working in hyper-exposed scenes that respects the boundaries of all.

• Create an environment for Performers to be 'personally safe so that they can be artistically vulnerable'.

• Define exit-strategies, allowing the Performers or Crew to step out of the action at times when they do not feel emotionally or physically safe.

• Provide the option for facilitated closure, to ensure post-scene emotional safety.

You can read more about it here. Post-production is covered from page 15 - 17.

These Guidelines have been created and developed in consultation with and are endorsed by The South African Screen Federation, The Independent Producers Organisation, South African Guild of Actors, The Personal Managers’ Association, South African Guild of Editors, Sisters Working in Film and Television, The Casting Directors' Association, The Writers’ Guild of South Africa, Independent Black Filmmakers Collective and Intimacy Practitioners of South Africa.



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